Week 23 -
Workin it! The bump just keeps expanding like some sorta crazy human water balloon! Except that it's not jiggly. It's hard and taut and oh-so-strange. I thought that tummy rubs from others would drive me nuts, but I'm actually not minding it so much. As long as they don't try to lift my shirt. Yes, someone tried. I threatened to grab her breasts if she tried it again.
Sheesh! But I understand, it really is such a curious and fascinating "thing" I can see why people just want to reach out and touch and rub and talk to it. Jay will just grab it and start singing to it and Katie-Oh insists on speaking to the bump in an Irish accent, just to be sure that the baby will know that it's her when they finally do meet.
The body's expansion has me worried about weight gain. Although our doc has reassured me that I'm gaining at a very normal rate, being 5 feet
nada has me a bit concerned. The yoga has been great and yesterday I braved the gym where I hit the
elliptical and then the pool. Very nice. And tonight I will give this one another go....
Prenatal Fitness Fix with Erin O’Brien is great. She starts off the
DVD with her side profile and a Hitchcock
imitation. Ah the belly jokes! She's 7 months pregnant so it's amazing to watch her go. She's so energetic and motivational and conscientious. She stops for water breaks, constantly reminds you to breathe and even takes a pee break half way through. too hilarious! There's also a partner workout section where her husband acts as the nautilus machine for weight training. Jay and I have yet to go there.
I feel that, not only am I carrying around another little human that I am completely responsible for (thanks to Jay for all of the delicious and healthy meals) but I'm also training for a marathon aka LABOUR (!!). I intend on being fully prepared!