Only 12 days to go! That is insane. Surreal. Unbelievable. Here's a look at what is up...
On the baby front - she's head down, dropped and ready to pop! At the last ultrasound the technician said, "you have a fat baby!" They estimate that she's weighing approximately 7lbs and could get up to 8lbs come labour day. yikes! Although she's running out of room in the womb, she's still moving around quite a bit. Usually during Dancing with the Stars or after snacks have been consumed and of course late late at night when I'm trying to sleep. We are so excited to meet our little girl. the anticipation is maddening!
On the mama front - Some days I just like to stare out the window and think about nothing at all. and other days I can't stop thinking about all of the things that we still need to do before baby arrives. I feel very full (of baby that is!) and swollen (my kankles are killing me) and my knees and pelvis can't wait for the weight to go down. I've always been self-conscience about my weight so I thought that I'd have a hard time coping with the girth, but the clothes shopping has kept me consoled. I realize that the weight will not disappear once baby arrives, that what took 9 months to put on will likely take 9 months to take off, but I'm ok with that. I feel ready for labour (as much as anyone can be, I guess). I'm looking forward to it. I'm up for the challenge. I'm ready to meet our baby.
On the papa front - I can't speak for Jay but I can tell you that he's been so awesome (as always). He takes such good care of me/us with all of the delicious meals and excellent foot rubs and control of the housework. I could not do this without him. There is no way. And I know that if he could, he'd be the one carrying this baby. I'm not sure how prepped he is for the actual labour/birth. I know that he's not comfortable with seeing me in pain (and never will be), but he knows that I'm a trooper and I know that he's a tough guy. So all should be cool.
On the labour/birth front we're sorta kinda prepared. We've read as much as possible, taken our prenatal classes and spent time with our doula. We've met with Dr. Shep and gone over our birth plan. In a perfect world it would just be our family doc that attends but she works with a team of docs and depending on the schedule she may not be the one who ends up at the hospital. With us planning a natural birth and wanting to remain as cool, calm and collected as possible we thought it would be best to meet the other two docs now instead of when I'm 8cm dilated. Dr. Jiwa was wonderful and very supportive of our "wishes" and Dr. MacMillan I will meet on Monday, but we've spoken over the phone and she sounds fabulous as well.
On the family/friends front - everyone has been so absolutely amazing. The support and generosity has been astounding. we are completely blown away. We've been honoured with three showers, each one just as grand as the one before. We feel truly blessed to be surrounded by so much love.
We realize that we can read as much as we want and research until our eyes fall out and still not be prepared for what's to come. What we do know is that together we can do just about anything we set our minds too. People have been having baby's for how many years now? We're just another happy couple excited to extend our family and to introduce the world to our baby girl! Bring it on!
On the baby front - she's head down, dropped and ready to pop! At the last ultrasound the technician said, "you have a fat baby!" They estimate that she's weighing approximately 7lbs and could get up to 8lbs come labour day. yikes! Although she's running out of room in the womb, she's still moving around quite a bit. Usually during Dancing with the Stars or after snacks have been consumed and of course late late at night when I'm trying to sleep. We are so excited to meet our little girl. the anticipation is maddening!
On the mama front - Some days I just like to stare out the window and think about nothing at all. and other days I can't stop thinking about all of the things that we still need to do before baby arrives. I feel very full (of baby that is!) and swollen (my kankles are killing me) and my knees and pelvis can't wait for the weight to go down. I've always been self-conscience about my weight so I thought that I'd have a hard time coping with the girth, but the clothes shopping has kept me consoled. I realize that the weight will not disappear once baby arrives, that what took 9 months to put on will likely take 9 months to take off, but I'm ok with that. I feel ready for labour (as much as anyone can be, I guess). I'm looking forward to it. I'm up for the challenge. I'm ready to meet our baby.
On the papa front - I can't speak for Jay but I can tell you that he's been so awesome (as always). He takes such good care of me/us with all of the delicious meals and excellent foot rubs and control of the housework. I could not do this without him. There is no way. And I know that if he could, he'd be the one carrying this baby. I'm not sure how prepped he is for the actual labour/birth. I know that he's not comfortable with seeing me in pain (and never will be), but he knows that I'm a trooper and I know that he's a tough guy. So all should be cool.
On the labour/birth front we're sorta kinda prepared. We've read as much as possible, taken our prenatal classes and spent time with our doula. We've met with Dr. Shep and gone over our birth plan. In a perfect world it would just be our family doc that attends but she works with a team of docs and depending on the schedule she may not be the one who ends up at the hospital. With us planning a natural birth and wanting to remain as cool, calm and collected as possible we thought it would be best to meet the other two docs now instead of when I'm 8cm dilated. Dr. Jiwa was wonderful and very supportive of our "wishes" and Dr. MacMillan I will meet on Monday, but we've spoken over the phone and she sounds fabulous as well.
On the family/friends front - everyone has been so absolutely amazing. The support and generosity has been astounding. we are completely blown away. We've been honoured with three showers, each one just as grand as the one before. We feel truly blessed to be surrounded by so much love.
We realize that we can read as much as we want and research until our eyes fall out and still not be prepared for what's to come. What we do know is that together we can do just about anything we set our minds too. People have been having baby's for how many years now? We're just another happy couple excited to extend our family and to introduce the world to our baby girl! Bring it on!