So here's the deal-eo. I'm forty weeks and 8 days into the pregnancy and baby is just way too snug and cozy and would prefer to stay in her womb a little while longer. Who could blame her and who am I to argue? Our family doc, on the other hand, feels that baby's getting bigger everyday and that I may be too small to carry the labour through. And so doc is starting to talk (cue scary music) "induction". Initially it was scheduled for this coming Thursday, but with such a positive ultrasound result yesterday we were able to negotiate a few more days and it has been moved to the 31st. We have another ultrasound on Wednesday, a doc appointment on Thursday and yet another ultrasound on Friday. Sheesh!
We've been taking a stab at as many natural induction methods as possible. And I feel kinda guilty attempting all of these natural approaches knowing that she's perfectly fine and healthy. Why can't we all just leave her alone? But we've gotta try everything that we can before they squirt me up with some miracle gel or attach us to any sort of dreadful IV. Today I went to see my naturopath who pricked me acupuncture-style and recommended some homeopathic remedies to try and get things started. We're keeping our fingers tightly crossed!
We've been taking a stab at as many natural induction methods as possible. And I feel kinda guilty attempting all of these natural approaches knowing that she's perfectly fine and healthy. Why can't we all just leave her alone? But we've gotta try everything that we can before they squirt me up with some miracle gel or attach us to any sort of dreadful IV. Today I went to see my naturopath who pricked me acupuncture-style and recommended some homeopathic remedies to try and get things started. We're keeping our fingers tightly crossed!