Monday, November 5, 2007

Testing, testing, 1...2...3...

12 weeks and a day...


What an amazing sight! It moved. It did a little dance and then it seemed to settle in for a nap. It was probably full from the delicious EggMcJay breakfast we had brought to us in bed this morning and it just wanted to sleep it off. We went in for the Nuchal Translucency screening and according to our techie, everything looks "normal". Fetal extremities - good; fetal movement; good; nuchal translucency measure: 1.6mm - good. After the Dancing Fetal Show I was sent for some blood letting. Only one vial! Thank the good Lord! In a weeks time, we'll have the results, which we're sure will be "low risk". We've never made it this far before and we have every intention of making it all the way to the finish line! A low risk result will keep us away from the dreaded Amnio. Not that I fear needles all that much, it's the risk of miscarriage that has us completely freaked out.

All nerves and freakyness aside, we are ecstatic! This is definitely one of the happiest days that Jay and I have shared so far in this journey that is Our Sweet Life Together. What I'm loving about this pregnancy, besides the fact that I'm carrying our baby, is that Jay and I are getting closer and closer every day. How much more close can ya get!? He is just such an awesome person. Who else can make me laugh through nausea and senseless tears? or bring me soda water in the middle of the night? or have the patience to wait by the fitting room while I try on yet another maternity top even though it's just not in the budget? Who else can bring home the bacon, fry it up in a pan and never never never let me forget he's my man! I *heart* Jay!!!